Sunday, August 23, 2009

mantiscf t1 09/10

this semester prevailed the lowly mantis cf in the history of establishment. a few indication of downturn in the performance of the team could be seen clearly, especially during training session which failed to be conducted as efficiently as before. this probably due to lack of commitment shown by certain players and the arrogant display by some. overall, attitude and management problem are the most important matter that should be looking into by all staff and players of mantiscf. please do not disappoint the fans like what had been done this semester. although they seem to be loyal to the club but still mantiscf should be proving the appreciation towards them by come out strong and perform the best inside and outside the field in the next semester.

please take into the consideration of the welfare of everyone involve in this club. do not simply take it for granted as we will never know what n when will things happen. please n please take this seriously.

itu dia ayat formal...skang ni yg tk in my side of story.. waaa...penat2 buat jersey...last2 skali pon tk pakai jersey tu time game...tak sempat nk promote jimi kt suma org.. sedeh a camni...baik tkyh buat jersey... semester ni mmg mengecewakan.. 4 game first mantis main, satu pon aku tk join...pastu plak dpt tau ada game dr mulut org len yg bkn mantis, geng2 mantis sorg pon tk habaq.. lagi la buat aku sakit ati...da majuk tkmo men tp cam kesian kt kechik la plak...tgh2 season dia amik alih jadi men la gak dua tiga nk buat apa suma da out...sama ja la cam tk men...sory a sem kalau aku kt area2 sini aku men most probably tk kot...tgk la len kali kalau ada rezki aku men aku btol2 frust ngan team mantis sem ni...mmg patut pon aku tkdk dlm gambaq team tuk sem ni ngan jersey merah yg baru tu...elok sgt...len kali jgn ajak men kalau tk reti jaga player... bengang plak aku...huhuhu...

tgh men kt tgh pdg

kechik the manager

penat men sampai peluh sat bdn

ngan awie kt tepi pdg time half time

fans yg sgt setia


lana kimki said...

gamba lana mana? fotographer a.k.a fans yg setia gak ni >.<

Jimi said...

wah2..demand nampak...lana cam kn salahkn cameraman sorg lagi la kot..sbb dia yg tk snap gamba pon tk snap gamba dia kot... hehe..sama la korg...naseb la

lana kimki said...

ada kot snap gamba kama. kama pun rasanye ada jek snap gamba lana.tgk btol2.haish.simpan wat pekasam ke apa?

Jimi said...

tkda la laling...sure konpem...apa yg lana save kt laptop ni tkda langsung gamba korang dua... lana yg tk bg...

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