Sunday, December 13, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009


Sunday, November 15, 2009


lama tk update blog...this is for the update...
ok la for a restart kn...hehe...cau
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

exam?..what's that? more degree exams after this...hopefully...yeazzzzaaa!...the last paper was law for engineers...and if i do have to sit for supplementary, it will also be this paper since the others are well done. now left with only internship training program-which will start on 19/10/09 at panasonic rnd cyberjaya- and final year project part2 in third semester.... yay yay... sket je lagi ... n the best thing is... no more degree exam!
Saturday, September 19, 2009

SHR Aidilfitri!

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilifitri...ampun dan maaf jika terkasar bahsa terlanjur kata tersalah makan tersepak terajang...hehe...semoga semua menikmati hari yg mulia ini dengan penuh kesyukuran dan keinsafan...sekian terima kasih...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009


090909..nice!!!wont be able to experience this again..

but sadly nothing happen to cherish it...only lab repot..huhu
Monday, September 7, 2009


it's been more than 20 days..last shot was 16 august 09...hopefully able to maintain in the future..may ramadhan encouraged more to stop this bad habit.. insyaAllah..

'bad habit, once done, hard to undo!'
am trying all my best!
Friday, September 4, 2009


'if we're all alone...then we're all together in that too'
- quoted from P.S. I love u -

moral = nobody are alone ... You'll Never Walk Alone

why mmu..

"this is what i think about mmu...lain dr yg lain..." dgn gaya kanak2 ribena yg sgt hepi..huhuhu.. sapa mkn garam dia rasa masin...hehe....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


28-30 august 2009

blk posa kat kg ngan dikyu...nek bas 27 mlm pkol 11.30 kat puduraya...thanks to kama tlg anta sampai lrt bandar tasik selatan...and thanks for the big apple too...bas benti sahur kt rnr gurun pkol 4.30 n sampai kangar pkol 6.30...ayah amik kt stesen bas

sepanjang 3 ari dok kg ni, ujan je tiap2 ari...dr pg sampai la ke gile utk tido..hehe..posa2 lagi byk tidoq...aih...apa nk jadi ni..hehe...

first day bukak posa ari jumaat...4 org je...ayah, mak, ngan dikyu... ayah p beli kuih2 sket kt kedai ngan nasi kerabu...mak tkmo mkn nasi kerabu tu...tak kn ngan taste dia...dia ckp mlm esok dia nk buat nasi kerabu...hehe...sedap2...lepas bukak posa p kami p tarawih...

bukak posa ari sabtu... ajak bala tentera suma yg ada dkt area perlis blk bukak posa skali... suma skali 11 org,.. ayah, mak, kaknot, bg zan, syapi, syazwan, bg e, kak ira, syira, dikyu, ngan aku....yay...hehe...meriah2....aku kuaq p bazar ngan anak buah dua org...diha join skali kt sana.... beli murtabak 6 bijik...roti john 3 bijik...air tebu 4 bungkus....oren sunkis 10 biji... blk2 kt umah da siap ada nasi kerabu mak buat..huhuhu...sgt la sedap...kari kepla ikan...ikan kering goreng... tarawih pon...mkn byk sgt..hehe

third day bukak posa...geng2 semalam suma ada lagi...hehe...mlm ni lagi masyukk... ada laksa, nasi impit ngan kuah kacang, ayam golek, pucuk paku masak lemak, ikan kering goreng, sambal petai ikan bilis, pulut pisang, air tebu ngan sirap...huhuhu...mkn sampai tk tarawih juge...hehe...

pg isnin 31 aribln...nek bas blk sempat sampai kl time berbuka...bas lmbt sgt sbb jalan jem... bukak la posa kt atas bas..huhuhu...nk buat camna kn...seb baik la beli air mineral ngan coki2 kt sg perak...huhu...coki2 je... adeh...haha...8.30 sampai kl terus je p burger king kt masjid jamek...belasah doube stacker...yay
Sunday, August 23, 2009

mantiscf t1 09/10

this semester prevailed the lowly mantis cf in the history of establishment. a few indication of downturn in the performance of the team could be seen clearly, especially during training session which failed to be conducted as efficiently as before. this probably due to lack of commitment shown by certain players and the arrogant display by some. overall, attitude and management problem are the most important matter that should be looking into by all staff and players of mantiscf. please do not disappoint the fans like what had been done this semester. although they seem to be loyal to the club but still mantiscf should be proving the appreciation towards them by come out strong and perform the best inside and outside the field in the next semester.

please take into the consideration of the welfare of everyone involve in this club. do not simply take it for granted as we will never know what n when will things happen. please n please take this seriously.

itu dia ayat formal...skang ni yg tk in my side of story.. waaa...penat2 buat jersey...last2 skali pon tk pakai jersey tu time game...tak sempat nk promote jimi kt suma org.. sedeh a camni...baik tkyh buat jersey... semester ni mmg mengecewakan.. 4 game first mantis main, satu pon aku tk join...pastu plak dpt tau ada game dr mulut org len yg bkn mantis, geng2 mantis sorg pon tk habaq.. lagi la buat aku sakit ati...da majuk tkmo men tp cam kesian kt kechik la plak...tgh2 season dia amik alih jadi men la gak dua tiga nk buat apa suma da out...sama ja la cam tk men...sory a sem kalau aku kt area2 sini aku men most probably tk kot...tgk la len kali kalau ada rezki aku men aku btol2 frust ngan team mantis sem ni...mmg patut pon aku tkdk dlm gambaq team tuk sem ni ngan jersey merah yg baru tu...elok sgt...len kali jgn ajak men kalau tk reti jaga player... bengang plak aku...huhuhu...

tgh men kt tgh pdg

kechik the manager

penat men sampai peluh sat bdn

ngan awie kt tepi pdg time half time

fans yg sgt setia
Saturday, August 22, 2009


08/08/09 - been there to celebrate the convocation of a few mmu members...been drag here n there by diha n the gang... tk larat lor nk jln lama...aku men bola lagi tk penat aaa... congratulations to all the convo's member... diha, azie, ira, wan kedah, haris, mamu, bazlie n many more..tho i never had the chance to meet some of them in person during that day... u all the best!

congrats all

nice hangout group

hepi couple (tunang) wan n min..congrats both of u

eh...ensemnye mamat tu

later that evening we were on the road to diha's best fren in dato keramat. arwah, name that i been introduced to, has passed away about year ago. RIP. the family has been very close with diha n they asked her to go to celeberate her convocation. had dinner there n the meal was.... what can i say, the rendang daging was very2 tasty, sambal udang yg marvellous, n gulai ikan masin yg tk sempat...siut je huda ngan aja da abihkn awal2...huhuhu...owhh..forgot to mention the participants... sani, diha, myra, huda, aja, kama, lana

diha, makcik ngan myra(mak datin..hehe)

group picture..niceee

then, abih lagi...after got back from keramat, we went straight to alamanda...those girls are really crazy...havent flat out yet after a full day...karok plak seround...adeh...penat2.. and after that... ada, sani, diha, kama n lana went to kompleks kompleks kerajaan for last photoshot for the night... originally intended to masjid putrajaya but since they closed for visitor after 12 till fajr, then we had to just pick random places alongside the main road in the kompleks2 kerajaan. finish up everything almost at 5 in the morning...waaaa

me very exhausted

diha the ciwi girl with her presents

tumpang skaki bleh?..hehe

geng2 yg keletihan

cameraman yg setia kena heret ke merata

driver yg juga sgt menurut perintah..ikut je

another driver yg ikut je apa org ckp

n me just getting along
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

taman negara selai

oars trip...taman negara endau rompin selai johor...1-4 april berapa menarik....mknn tk menarik lagsung...tkkan mkn sardin ngan kubis je kot...bagi la mkn sedap2 sket...bayar dah la mahal....50 kot...byk benda nk cita tp malas nk cita sbb yg tak elok je closed!

masa lepak2 kt sana aku cam terpiki la sket2 pasal idup aku skang ni...dengan study yg tak brapanya...byk lagi benda nk buat time ni kena stat buat da apa yg patut.,..da tkmo relax2 sgt...

aha...pastu plak sbb time camping ni cam tk byk keja bleh buat sbb byk aktiviti yg depa plan tk jln sbb masalah2 yg bleh dielakkan...aku ulang...boleh dielakkan ok....haihh...sedeh2...aku byk spent time berpikir pasai hubungan aku ngan pencipta...aku rasa aku ni makin lama makin teruk... 'org2 yg rugi tu adalah org yg lebeh teruk dr ari sebelumnya'...tu la aku la ni...sgt la rugi... arap2 paihni aku bleh dptkan balik apa yg aku buat dulu n kalau bleh buat yg lebeh baik... insyaAllah...ya Allah, tolonglah aku menjadi org yg beriman dan bertawakkal padamu dan jauhkanlah aku dari kemurkaanMU... aminnn

tho this trip wasnt exciting enough but still it had been a good time for me to look back n think forward....thank n sorry for what had happen in the past...feel good and optimis on things await in the future...

sedikit gamba kenangan kt sana:

legendary uncle lim..bawak 4wd cam gila

kn gigit lintah time pi menombak ikan..ikan sekor pon tk dpt..lain plak yg bwk naik..hehe
Friday, July 31, 2009

my niece!

anak buah ku yg begitu comel dgn gaya tariannya... haihh..kecik2 da pandai ye.. quality kind of bad since this is a pirated one..hehe


after more than 3 years not sein each other, i met the 'setan kerdil'(not anymore i guess after the fatherly look on his face).there were joned(the father), shu(mother) and elyas(7 months baby son) and aiza. pretty nice conversation we had at nandos alamanda. more than 3 hours lepak there(veri appropriate place since the serve bottomless ice lemon tea..hehe...ntah brapa gelas tatau la sorg2 minum)..sori to aiza since elyas was more onto me than her...hehe...a very good baby without much kerenah..easy to handle and very2 much like baby mat saleh..joned and shu afterall both put up more weight than the last time i saw them...common for malaysian uk student...o thing common bout me n joned..we are currently havent grad yet...hehe..nice!!!!!!!o btw, thanks aiza for the treat..hehe...u are the only one with the money there..haha..



shu n joned

sori beh, he's not into u ok..he's lookin at me!
Thursday, July 16, 2009

rock climbing!

o yeah..da lama nk buat..akhirnya...best2...pasni nk buat lagi...
ni kt damai batu caves 15 july 2009

saje nk letak..hehe..rebellious!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009


all the travelling and touring happens..
arrangement by occurance!

5 june 2009
discovery channel expo at menara alor setar
with diha n zu. joined by zaza at night
met those guyz involved in the expo
ehsan, khalifa, bob, apek, faisal, razis and aizal
after midnight br sampai perlis.da la bwk anak2 dara org. huhu

10 june 2009
jln2 kt perlis.
jadi tourguide for the gals: zaza and lana,
sbb diha tkleh diharap.. :P
lepak padang besar and kuala perlis
joined by zu at night

11 june 2009
azril's wedding reception
location: dewan golf club bandar darulaman jitra kedah
with: asri(mamu), anuar and zaim

13 june 2009
majfaizal's wedding reception
location: kepala batas jitra kedah
with: kebau, ciput, hare, izudin, adeng, perz, medek

20 june 2009
melaka trip
location: bandar hilir (the historical building)
with: diha, zaza, lana, huda, syira, hana, kama, ima, awie
one day trip only. very exhausted

27-28 june 2009
durian fever
location: bg hadi's house at segamat
more than 15 duirans for only rm15... very cheap

4-5 july 2009
another durian fever
location: still bg hadi's house
accompany by awie n his special one, cikgu naz
dikyu joined back to kl on sunday

p/s: nk upload picture

new season!

new jersey for new trimester 1 season 09/10 with mantic cf

new name and no..previously was sohigh and 15
my peberet number change to my besday
sorry my best fren aiza. ur besday not anymore on the jersey
but still ur peberet no on that jersey...hehe

first game:
mantis cf vs salsa
draw 0-0
i wasnt playin due to classes
but manage to get out and watched the second half
team lack of creativity
maybe i was needed..hehe
a fact ok! not perasan.. yeazzzaaaa


all hard and ugly and spine on the outside,
nothing but sweet and mushy under = pineapple

phrase taken from film Forever Strong

moral: don judge a book by its cover!...

summary: not me by the way...hehe.. sweet and mushy but not hard and ugly on the outside
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

mazran not single anymore!

congrats to puyen and wife! the reception on his side was held at his house on 1st june 2009. went alone since many cannot attend due to working day.

latest update

update peristiwa...

1.mantisfc...kalah penalti kt quarter ngan dettol..out of the season crita lain... tp tgh sakit kaki ni...camna nk main next season tatau lagi

2. rumate trip pi cameron highland...almost the same exact copy as the trip before with other frens, only differs in who and how...awie ngan KE bwk awek masing2... aku?...waaaa... sorg2... tepaksa la jadi cameraman...waaaaaaaaaa...sampai ati depa

3. KaraOK...dgn kwn2 satu geng...enjoy after exam...KE, mel, awie, sani, diha, kama, lana n syira...diha br sampai dr perlis pon...elok sgt la tu... layan2...

kama isap okok?...btol ke ni
4. girls outing...haha...aku pon boleyyyyy...lepak ngan diha, kama, lana ngan zaza n aluss(membe diha)...dah cam bapak ayam plak la aku ni boya...


ingat cute la tu...hehe

candid on lana

5.baru2 ni pi lepak ngan ehsan and the gang kt expo astro kt menara alostaq...accompany by diha and zu...lepak2 skali ngan zaza and her anak menakan...pkoi 12 br antaq blk anak dara org... konpem aku kena black list la lepaih ni...hehe

lepak sat kt kedai donut..tgh tunggu si zaza

cubaan diha utk menjadi seorang astronaut yg kurang menjadi...baju tk muat ...hehe
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