Friday, June 4, 2010


arini result da kuaq n alhamdulillah everything is fine. after almost 5 years finally graduate. tu la. sapa soh malas n bengap sgt. org len wat 4 thn aku wat 5. plus all the years wasted after SPM before start mmu. but in other perception i can say that everything happen for a reason and i had learn quite a lot from those high and low moment. please be optimist and positive in what happened and that made me a lot stronger. 5 years in MMU would be recorded in my journey so far as the longest streak facing all those criticism and support from everyone important in my life. sorry for those hurt from my action during those times and thank you for all helps that bring me this far. honestly i appreciate everything regardless constructed or destructed action and words. thank you very much. insyaAllah we all will have a better future and never forget each other.
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