Tuesday, February 24, 2009

lowly mantis

embarrasing news: mantis fc 0-3 victory...first time conceeded more than 2 goals in a match for this team.waaaa.takleh nkk accept gak la.very not mantis style.cannot blame any particular player.this is a team game.so everyone responsible for the humiliation.tho all know that victory currently the best team in mmu league but 3 goals in a game is just too much.hopefully wont be losing like this anymore after this.
Sunday, February 22, 2009

mana puteri gunung ledang niiii??

nice experience tho bit tired and exhausted.took me a week to recover.hehe.week skipped classes just to gain the study mood.excuses.what la sohigh.hehe

journey began at 12 from mmu.3 cars 12 companies.still tired after frenly match in the evening.however the spirit was marvellous since going to try another outdoor activity never done before.took a pit stop at seremban RNR n continue to nilai tol entrance.watch showed 4 am.others took a nap there but not me n few others whose eyes wont shut.after solat subuh went to breakfast on the way to the feet of ledang.fried rice, fried egg and hot coffee o for the empty stomach.

reach the feet of ledang at 8 n packing all those needed, filling in utilities form and throw out unwanted ingredient in stomach.hehe.then ready for the real hicking.
start at 10.me n few others leadind the pack.it was a clear track without any hurdle(for me).rest a few time on the way to campsite.during the hicking, thanks to my sony erricson, karaoke a little bit tho not enough breath.hehe.can u imagine using all ur energy and breath and singing at the same time.don know what words came out.hehe.whatever.

arrived at the campsite around 2pm.the tireness and sleepiness really taking toll.first thing was setting up the sleeping mat n sleep.hehe.sorry wan panjang n zaki.need to sleep first.couldnt help u guys much to set up the tent.worse than me, khalifa already took whoever hemmock, i just don know.already in his own sleeping world.

around 3 another pack arrived.ehsan, pak and azim.waaa. disturbed my sleep.only an hour after more than a day sleepless.then came kechik n apek.meggi for lunch.then took a bath at the 'tali air'.later pray with khalifa.lando, asrul n bob the last to reach the campsite around 6.went to see sunset at one spot near to the campsite with lando, wan p, kecik n apek.khalifa join later.

dinner @ 8.nasi with masak lemak cabbage, ikan masin, n some other menu thanks to ihsan the cook.sleep early that night for tomorrow another hicking up to the peak at 4.30.

wan p n khalifa were the earliest to wake up.jolted awake by their soundly business cooking n tidying the sleeping area.hicking in the dark.thanks to wan p torch light.really did not prepare any equipment.all were subsidised.hehe.newbie la katakan.

reached the summit at 6.45am.all the tireness, sleeplessness, muslce ache, n many other uncomfortness were defeated by the victory conquering the summit.no words can really describe the succes to be there.with cloud beneath the feet, the tranquilty of the summit, n not to forget the breezy n nyaman n coldness of the peak really mesmerized me.seriously made me like want to stay there.then come the photography session n have some breakfast there.

8.45 am went down to the campsite n after packing all things we begun the journey down the ledang.easier than hicking up, it took less effort n energy to walk down.no obstacle on the way down, just some injury occured to bob as we almost arrived at the starting point.after 3 hours from the campsite, around 3 pm, we finished the hicking.a tremendous achievement in my first time hicking a mountain.mcm nk lagi!
Thursday, February 12, 2009

besday khalifa

arini besday one of my closest fren in mmu since i first become a mmu student.blanja dia mkn kt yankies hut bdr baru bangi.tebaik gak a mkn kat situ.lepak 5 org; aku, KE, Awie, Khalifa, n Apis.mkn style kg, duduk atas lantai sambil isap okok.tebaik gak aaa.ni la dia sedikit speciment bhn ujikaji perut kami berlima ngan sedikit ucapan basa-basi yg dpt diselitkan(akn diuploadkan nanti)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

from Lata Iskandar to Cameron Highland

midnight Feb,11 2009, i got a call from Azie "jom pegi air terjun".and when i ask when she said now.what the heck.quite surprised enough since it was already midnight but whatever...after few hours of searching of transpot, then around 4am, the journey began.

two cars. first car:me, halu, mukhlis and azie. second car:sani, lana, sol and lisa. first destination was Ipoh, azri's house.we had breakfast there and then at 10 we shoot direct to Lata Iskandar.the road is very bad with many sharp corners which i am very pleased since i'm the driver. sori Halu, Mukhlis and Azie if my driving make u guys nervous.huhuhu.

at lata iskandar, it was a nice and peace day.not so many people though it was public holiday.we went straight to the highest place can be reach at the waterfall and it required some hicking.the girls were screaming of the 'pacat'.azie was almost crawling during the hicking.hehe.clearly she's not into this kind of adventure at all.but one person that i respect most is lana.relax, independent, and calmly make it up and down the waterfall.seriously i think she's not an ordinary girl.very suitable for adventure type.

then around 2, we travelled to cameron highland.along the journey, the temperature slowly dropping and it felt very nice and cold.i like the weather so much.going around the cameron highland; to strawbery farm and some stalls besides the road.
"apsal lah bleh tak bwk camera kan. camera fon je yg ada".

later around 6.30pm we began the journey home through simpang pulai and arrived at mmu cyberjaya around 11 pm

it was a very pleasant trip. the guys were very sporting and funny.though it's been few time hanging with them, feels like i know them for years.surely there'll be another crazy time with them soon.sorry Diha, u were not there.huhuh
Sunday, February 8, 2009

lagi lagi bola

haihhhh...mlm ni ja da tiga game bola aku tgk...apa nak jadi ni sohai...byk lagi benda lain bleh buat...tapi kira ok la tgk bola mlm ni...sbb bukan tgk bola bodo2 je...at least sambil tgk bola sambil chatting and surf net...so kira multi-tasking gak a...mcmmana bleh multitasking tgk bola ni?...jawapannya adalah...jeng3...internet streaming...tima kaseh la yek sapa yg genius sgt pikir coding utk networking ni...mmg geliga otak korang2 yg reka benda ni menguntungkan org2 cam aku ni...nak tau laman jaringan(bahsa omputih dia website..hehe)mana yg provide link ke live internet streaming ni korang check la sndiri kat justin.tv....pandai2 la google sndiri yek...jom sambung balik tgk barcelona main...barca tgh leading 2 gol kosong thanks to samuel eto'o...babai
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